Book Review: Demon King

Another book where the girl meets the devil and makes a deal. She came to him asking for a favor but I don’t think she was ready to pay the price.

  • Title: Demon King
  • Series: Claimed by Lucifer #1
  • Author: Elizabeth Briggs
  • Author links:

My thoughts

If you didn’t already know, I am a huge fan of any story that has the supernatural creatures. Especially if it involves mythology or the devil or heaven or hell. I will literally read anything that reference those and there is romance involved. I am extremely biased and judge heavily on those book just because I read so many of those.

I personally took a shine to this one because it involved the main character, Hannah Thorn, making a deal with the supposed devil of Las Vegas, Lucas Ifer. If his name already wasn’t a give away, then I don’t know what is. But after the TV show, Lucifer, I’m not surprised anymore.

I honestly can’t remember how or where I found this book all I can remember is that this book started to combine all my favorite myths and underworld stories. And I’m talking about Hades and Persephone myth. That got included here and I am absolute sucker for those stories.

Like any good story, we have to start somewhere. This one starts with Hannah going to the King of Las Vegas to ask for a favor. She was going to ask him to look for her missing friend that had disappeared in his hotel. Hannah already knows that asking a favor of Lucas means that when Lucas keeps his end of the deal, it’s only right that you follow through with your end the deal or meet an ugly end. But given that the man has everything, what could he ask of a girl from the middle of nowhere? Easy answer: her. She was to spend seven days with Lucas as his guest and just enjoy what he had planned for those days. Had the man not been the underworld king of Las Vegas, I don’t think anyone would have a problem with a man with money wanting to pamper you.

Then as Hannah wanders around Lucas’s penthouse. Lucas goes to find Hannah’s missing friend. Turns out that Lucas was looking for Hannah in some form or another. Does anyone else see the reincarnation card being played because I do!!! Another thing that I am a sucker for. Turns out that Hannah is more important to Lucifer because he is going above and beyond to keep her safe, even going as far as to assign one of his most trusted people to guard her while she is staying with him. Given from that fact and that the whole situation seems suspicious to begin with, we can already know that something bad is going to happen.

Moving on, Lucas decided to have each day that Hannah is with him is to be spent indulging in one of the seven deadly sins. I won’t spoil the order in which the sins were indulged and how each day was spent because I think that the way that Briggs did it was just spectacular and deserves to be read and not spoiled.

What I loved about this book was that it was building off of the lore that exists about Hell and demons and angels. It also brought in some of the mythical creatures that people hear about that are associated with demons; so I’m talking shifters, dragons, lust demons, archangels and the works. An interesting twist that Briggs did is that different types of demons tie to a different sin. Again, I won’t spoil it because I thought that it was fun to read about it and you should too.

The pacing of the book was just well done. We already know that Lucas only has seven days to make Hannah want to stay with him so we already know that they pacing of the story is going to be limited. However, despite that time limit the book is full of details that follow Hannah and Lucas through their time together that it honestly takes all 300+ pages to get through. It was the right amount of detail and dialogue that I know some people struggle with writing.

Speaking from personal experience, I know it’s hard. Yes, I am admitting that I wrote somethings once upon a time and they are still around the internet. And no, I won’t tell you where. If you find, good for you and embarrassment for me because I’ve just been too lazy to take it down. Away from my writing past.

This book had all of my favorite things: demons, Lucifer, the female lead was NOT immune to his devilish charms, reincarnation and myths played out in a modern world. I love stories that set them as hiding in the shadows of humans. It adds a bit more magic to the current dreary world that we are forced to live in.

I think I’ll leave it at that for now. This book was only the first book in this series and it makes me sad that I have to wait until next year to read what happens to Hanna next. But hey, something good to look forward to in next year!

Leave me any book recommendations or books that you want me to read! I’m always on the look for something else to read so send me all the books! I can’t wait to read them!

Until the next book, Mysty!

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